Monday, November 8, 2010


Making a resume just reminded me that I need a degree and a real job hahaha

I only laugh to keep from crying.


  1. Don't think too much about it. I have a degree. I have my Bachelor's degree in Business Management Finance with a minor in Psychology.

    I currently get paid $3 an hour to babysit once a week.

    Talk about laughing to keep from crying.

    It's ok though, I do it by choice. I'd rather be home with my son, but I know not everyone has that option.

  2. That was and is our plan. We've come up with a budget that we'll [hopefully] be able to follow. I just went to a local skate/snowboard shop to see about picking up some weekend shifts to help make ends meet a little bit easier. I would like for that to happen, if not, then we'll just have to tighten our belts a bit more.
