Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My first real scare.

NEVER in my life have I been so scared. Last night, Nathan was taking a nap in the bedroom while Ve and I were in the livingroom. I was watching Gossip Girl and Ve was directly in front of me playing on the floor with one of her toys... or so I thought. Turns out, she was playing with a small piece of plastic or cellophane or some kind of crunchy plastic. Sure enough as all things that Ve picks up, it went into her mouth and then down her throat- where it stayed. Even though I have taken infant CPR classes, I completely panicked. I couldn't remember anything except that Nathan is a medic. I picked her up and ran down the hall where Nathan was sleeping. I swung the door open and shouted "She's choking"! Nathan was up out of bed and grabbed her out of my arms faster than you could have blinked. He quickly turned her face down in his hand and worked her back until she spewed (which seemed like an eternity but was only milliseconds). And I mean spewed. She has just eaten green vegetables and drank a bottle. It looked like something out of The Exorcist. As soon as she had finished choking and puking, she just looked up and started laughing... like it was fun. Goodness, do my child and I have different views of fun! As soon as she started laughing, I started sobbing.

 I am SO lucky to have Nathan and Ve.


  1. Welcome to Motherhood, it is just starting, so glad all worked out well, and believe me, if Nathan was not home you would have done just fine but you knew in your mind he was there and the first thought was to go to him. Glad he knew what to do.

  2. Grandma's right. It seems I always turn "female" when Uncle Orey is home but when he is gone, I have done things I didn't know I could do!

    Earlier this year Juliet started choking on a hard candy ball right in the middle of church services while passing the sacrament. Scary at the minute but later we were laughing about it. We sit in the front row so if you were behind us and did not know what was going on, all of a sudden you saw Maura yank Juliet and slam her hand on Juliets back then run out of the room with her. Uncle Orey, who is in the Bishopric, came down of the stage and ran out after them. All was well and we had a good laugh....afterwards.

    Glad Ve is fine. She will be a tough cookie as she gets older.

  3. Oh, Meagan! That is so scary. I'm so glad Ve is alright! I probably would have sobbed too. The closest Seth has ever come to choking is a few days ago he shoved too many bites of peanut butter sandwhich down his throat. I happened to be standing in front of him when he started gagging. I opened his mouth, stuck my finger in and dug out a wad of peanut butter sandwhich (shaped like his mouth and throat). It was scary, but I told Tyler later what happened and I was grateful that the adrenaline allowed me to be brave first and scared after my baby was safe. I'm glad Nathan was there, but I am confident you would have saved her life too if you'd have been on your own. I think God watches over mothers especially.

    PS. I can't believe Ve laughed. What a crazy girl!
